Be a Deputy Voter Registrar - information about the free online 1-hour training program
How to organize a voter registration event
Get a Voter Registration Kit! - Ready to host a registration table or event? Here's everything you need for a great event!
FAQs about Voter Registration - all the questions a voter might ask about how to register to vote in Illinois
FAQs about Voting - all the questions a voter might ask about how to vote in Illinois
FAQ summary for your clipboards
FAQ for organizers of registration events
Election Officials, by Jurisdiction - if you need the contact info for an election official in the state we've got you covered!
Graphic resources (google drive directory)
This Indivisible Illinois page has a huge number of links on it; also the DVR certs we have, tons of ILVOTE photos, info about TurboVote -- in short, we need to mine it to figure out what to add to this website