Permanent VBM List
(Vote by Mail)
The new list isn't ready to sign up for yet - but we can notify you when it is!
Just send us an email at
with the subject line "Notify me!" and we will take care of it!
What The New Law Says
In layperson's terms, the new law provides that each election authority around the State of Illinois shall offer voters the opportunity to sign up on a Permanent Vote By Mail list.
If you sign up for this new list, you will be mailed a ballot every single time there's an election.
The only way to fall off the list is if you move or become ineligible to vote.
How to Sign UP
We are waiting for instruction from the various election authorities around the state.
However, according to the new law, the signup period for the new Permanent Vote By Mail list can't begin until 90 days before the next election, when the regular Vote By Mail request period begins.
The next election in Illinois is the primary on June 28; therefore, signup for the Permanent Vote By Mail list won't begin until March 31, 2022.
If you would like us to notify you, send us an email at